
Bus Routes and Staff

Please contact the Transportation Director with any questions or concerns at 315-848-3333, ext. 37170.

Roy Berg

Bus Mechanic/Driver

Barry Norton

Bus Driver

Stephanie Simmons

Bus Driver

Teri Smithers

Bus Driver/Transportation Liaison

Carl Twyman

Bus Driver

Renada Duchano

Bus Driver

Student Conduct on Buses

While the law requires the school district to furnish transportation, it does not relieve parents/guardians of students from the responsibility of supervision until such times as the student boards the bus in the morning and after the student leaves the bus at the end of the school day. In view of the fact that a bus is an extension of the classroom, the Board will require students to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior. Students who become a serious disciplinary problem on the school bus may have their riding privileges suspended. In such cases, the parents of the student involved will be responsible for transporting their child to and from school safely.

Bus Safety Expectations

These expectations are intended to maintain and improve safety conditions for each child who rides one of our school buses. Compliance is required by state, federal and local transportation regulations. Please review these expectations with your child. Speak with your child’s driver or call the school if you have questions or concerns. We appreciate your assistance.Students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver. 

Video Cameras

In an effort to ensure safety on our buses, video cameras may be used to monitor student behavior on school vehicles transporting students to and from school or extracurricular activities. Students found violating bus conduct rules will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Out of Town Events

If the District provides transportation for student athletes participating in interscholastic competition and students attending District sponsored educational field trips, students will not be authorized to use any other means of transportation when participating in these events, unless the principal or his/her designee authorizes such alternate transportation. The principal shall require written application prior to approval. As an exception to this policy a coach/teacher may release a student to the parent/guardian for transportation from an interscholastic event or school sponsored activity upon the receipt of a written request from the parent/guardian. 

Eating on the bus is usually discouraged. However, on long trips eating on the bus may be allowed by the driver and/or chaperone. Trash cans will be provided and students are expected to use them. Glass containers are forbidden on school buses.